Get Help With US
Let the Tech-thusiasts at WhosYourTech.Net take care of all your PC and technology needs. We provide a broad range of support ranging from PC hardware problems to showing you how to use the most in-depth software packages. We also install and troubleshoot both wired and wireless networking systems. Not only do we fix your problems we also provide solutions to get the most out of your current setup by reviewing your current setup and advise you on how to do more with your PC. These services are just the tip of the iceberg.
Not only do we provide both hardware and software solutions, we strive to provide them with quality and cost in mind. We will match any major competitors prices and will do all the same work!
Things to come:
WYT Store + WYT Gear
A whos your tech will hopefully be up soon so you can purchase hardware and even WYT gear!
Home Theatre Installation
We are looking to eventually provide installation and support for home theatre setups
What we help with:
Wireless Networking
Diagnostics, hardware installation, file sharing, and security setup
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Remove pesky pop-ups and spyware, install antivirus/antispyware software
Data Backup
Back up important media and documents to external memory or harddisk
System Upgrades
Increase performance, storage space, cd-rom, or add a tv-tuner card
gate io launchpad
Build your own PC whether its a power workstation or home-theatre pc
Tech Training/Consulting
Learn to do new things or get advice on how to get more from your current setup
More Services..
Get you or your business a visual presence with graphic design or website production
How to get Help:
Submit a ticket
If you know what services you need, please submit a ticket so we can better assist you
Email Us
If you have general inquiries, please send us an email
Call us
Call us @ (712)266-4120
Other Options
Visit Community Forums
Ask the customer community and WYT technicians for their advice.
Remote Assistance
Remote assistance is coming soon!